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Shine Everything Is Possible Winter 2022

Weekly Focuses

​Spring term 2023

Child development is at the heart of our classes and, each week, we choose a different life skill to work on. Drama-based games, songs and dance routines provide the platform for us to weave in this learning. Whether we're exploring the emotions of the Clown with a Frown or learning how good coordination helps our Outlaws use a bow and arrow, the children will be so immersed in the fun activities that they won't realise they're developing new skills.

Week 1: 3rd - 8th January

Welcome to friends, old and new!

We’ll say hello to old friends  and focus on making new ones  as we get the term started with  fun greeting games and hear about our two new themes,  The Circus Adventure for 4–7s and Outlaw for 7–12s. 

Week 2: 9th-15th January

Exploring our emotions

Helping children recognise and understand their emotions is an important part of supporting  their development and, if they understand emotions early,  they are more likely to freely express themselves.

4-7s: We’ll learn about physicalising different emotions using our  bodies and voices.

7-12s: We’ll discuss different types of emotions, from happy to sad,  and look at the many ways that  we can communicate how we  are feeling.

Week 3: 16th - 22nd January

Talking in front of an audience

Children can find it difficult to regulate their voices and it is important to understand how  we can use quiet or loud voices which can be tailored to different situations.

4-7s: Using our specially designed PERFORM checklist, we’ll practise projecting our voices and speaking with confidence, without shouting.

7-12s: We’ll look at the meaning of strong body language, eye contact and vocal projection as we imagine our audience is in the room.

Week 4: 23rd - 29th January

Great coordination

To be confident with movement children must develop both  core strength and coordination which supports their ability to communicate well and aids sitting still for concentrated activities like reading and writing.

4-7s: We’ll explore maintaining controlled body positions using fun coordinated exercises as we learn from the  Stilt Walker.

7-12s: We’ll work on an Outlaw dance routine which requires good focus, great coordination and heaps  of enthusiasm!

Week 5: 30th January - 5th February 

Following instructions

The ability to listen to, and follow, instructions is an important life skill which allows a child to complete tasks effectively. It requires us to interpret a request and have the confidence to seek clarification  if needed.

4-7s: We’ll play games which focus on hearing, listening and concentrating in order to bring this skill to life.

7-12s: We’ll show how using simple language, clear diction and repetition can help us to understand and follow instructions.

Week 6: 6th - 12th February 

Being fair

Helping children understand  fairness helps them learn about empathy. When we understand what others need and compare it with our own needs, we recognise our differences and think about more than just ourselves.

4-7s: We’ll use improvisation to demonstrate how everyone may  feel when we approach situations with fairness.

7-12s: We’ll role-play different scenarios around fairness using the characters in our show.

Week 7: 18th - 24th February 

Learning to listen 

Children who are good listeners often grow up to become good communicators. It’s an important skill to develop at an early age and, like a muscle, it needs regular exercise to grow stronger.

4-7s: In an improvised adventure, we’ll need good listening skills this week to make sure our trapeze artists  stay safe.

7-12s: We’ll play some fun games where we need to make sure we understand the meaning of what’s being said and then check who’s listening!

Week 8: 25th February - 3rd March


Taking part and using collaboration in different activities, in pairs or small groups, plays a huge role in building children’s communication and social skills.

4-7s: We’ll talk about the meaning of collaboration and how working together has benefited our Circus Adventure.

7-12s: We’ll demonstrate effective collaboration by playing games where we need to place trust in each other, communicate well and work towards our shared goal of putting on a fabulous Outlaw show!

Week 9: 4th - 10th March

Please and thank you

Good manners teach children about respect and will encourage others to respect them. Manners also display gratitude instead  of entitlement.

4-7s: We’ll look at how saying ‘thank you’ shows appreciation, while saying ‘please’ shows thoughtfulness.

7-12s: We’ll role-play examples of good and bad manners, demonstrating the impact that bad manners  can have on a situation and the negative impression it can leave.

Week 10: 11th - 17th March

Memory matters

Remembering begins with under standing and children learn to remember by talking with others and through first-hand experience. Good concentration helps our ability to remember, which is important when we are learning lines and songs.

4-7s: We’ll have fun memorising the Rodeo Rider tongue twister and  see if we can all say it by the end  of the class.

7-12s: Repetition helps aid our memory,  so we’ll play some memory games as we go through our Outlaw script, ensuring everyone knows their lines and song lyrics.

Week 11: 18th - 24th March 

Final rehearsal

It’s an exciting week with a  final run-through in costume. We’ll learn how to manage our nerves using deep breaths and practise using a clear voice with  our heads held high.

Week 12: 25th - 31st March

Presentation week

The children will show their friends and family the progress they’ve made in their final fabulous performance. With confident smiles, focused lines, coordinated dance moves and wonderfully projected voices, we hope you enjoy the show!

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