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Lucy's blog

How to Cheat at Bedtime Stories

I spend a lot of my day making up games for children, playing games with children and undertaking other fun and creative tasks in my work with Perform. The trouble is that sometimes, after a long day at work, it's hard to keep it up when entertaining my own children,...

Should We Call Time on Fairy Tales?

Earlier this month, I was reading a post on Penny's blog - Reinventing the Fairy Story - in which she said: I struggle with fairy stories that lack girl power. I'm with Fiona in Shrek 4 who said life isn't a fairytale and that she rescued herself from the tower....

On Having the Courage of Your Convictions

Parenting is undoubtedly tough. Whatever we do, there are books telling us we're doing it wrong, family members telling us we're doing it wrong, complete strangers telling us we're doing it wrong... Just a couple of weeks into the New Year, there's some new...

Scrapbooking 2010

This time last year I wrote about new year's resolutions - and this year (like the last) I'll be trying to make a couple of small changes and sticking to them, rather than setting myself up for failure :) However, in addition to new year's resolutions, around...

Measuring Happiness

Earlier this month I read an article in the Observer which shared the results of a research project which seemed to suggest that the fewer siblings a child has, the happier they are; and that only children are the most contented. "Sibling bullying" seemed to be a...

Productivity 101, or Trying to Work Smarter

Since becoming a parent, I've been increasingly concerned about the amount of time I spend working. It's very difficult to shut off when you run your own business (or indeed to shut off from any job that you care about). The thing is - I also really care about being a...

Is this the Beginning of the End for Child Benefit?

Well, the Chancellor's child benefit cut announcement last week understandably caused something of an uproar . While many people believe that it's fairer that 'wealthier' families are targeted, there has been considerable anger regarding the anomalies within...

This Month in the Blogosphere - September 2010

Hard to believe September's over already, huh? The nights are drawing in (boo, hiss); it keeps on raining (more boos and hisses). So grab yourself a lovely cuppa (or possibly something stronger) and I'll take you through my favourite posts for the month of...

First Day at School

Earlier this month, for the first time I really felt like a parent. This might seem like a slightly odd confession given that I have two children; but bear with me and all will become clear :) My eldest is now 3 and this month started doing half-days at a local nursery...

Do you need to be a Parent to express a view on Parenting?

Hello there! A couple of weeks ago I penned a post bemoaning what I saw as overly indulgent parenting - it was always going to be a little controversial - let's face it - posts expressing opinions on parenting inevitably are! I think it's probably fair to say...
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