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Lucy's blog

How a Spoonful of Perform Helps the Confidence Come Out

Confidence is something that we'd all love to be able to infuse our children with - I'm sure many parents have wished it was something you could bottle and administer now and again. Alas, I fear science still has some way to go on that front... In the meantime,...

First Day at School

Earlier this month, for the first time I really felt like a parent. This might seem like a slightly odd confession given that I have two children; but bear with me and all will become clear :) My eldest is now 3 and this month started doing half-days at a local nursery...

Do you need to be a Parent to express a view on Parenting?

Hello there! A couple of weeks ago I penned a post bemoaning what I saw as overly indulgent parenting - it was always going to be a little controversial - let's face it - posts expressing opinions on parenting inevitably are! I think it's probably fair to say...

This Month in the Blogosphere - August 2010

Goodness - hasn't August just flown by? I do hope you've all had a wonderful time over the Summer. At Perform, we've been super-busy preparing for the Autumn term and getting plans in place to open new schools. Plus, following a new piece of research from Save The...

Teaching the Teachers

Wow - it's been yet another hectic week! No rest for the wicked, eh? This week I've been working hard with our Regional Partner Simon Fielding on developing a new series of training courses for our Perform teachers. Simon originally joined us 9 years ago as a...

The One Where I Get Cross About Overly Indulgent Parenting

Dear readers, this particular post is in grave danger of dissolving into an incoherent rant of epic proportions - hopefully I can hold it together long enough to put forward my argument in a sane and sensible way... Hold on to your hats, boys and girls. Let's travel...

Summertime... But the Living Ain't Easy!

If I had a £1 for every person who said "Oh that must be a lovely job - nice long Summer holidays, huh?", I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams and sunning myself on my own idyllic island - cocktail in hand. I might also have someone peeling me grapes, not...

This Month in the Blogosphere - July 2010

Hello and welcome to this month in the blogosphere - July 2010 edition. Essentially it's a round up post of anything and everything which has made me inadvertently snort tea out of my nostrils, inspired me, made me cry or is otherwise note-worthy. I'm hoping to make...

Is Your Child a Perfectionist?

As a (recovering) perfectionist myself, I spent years labouring under the misapprehension that perfectionism was a 'good' thing. It meant I was dedicated, it meant I did a good job, it meant I was focused. However, it also made me pretty unhappy. There's a big...

Summer Activities for Children

Well the Summer holidays are upon us! I really can't believe how this year's flown by! If the Summer holidays have somewhat snuck up on you and you're worried about how you're going to keep your little ones occupied over the break then check out the list...
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