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Lucy's blog

Top Ten Christmas Songs

As this will be my last post before Christmas, I thought that it would be fun to share my top ten Christmas songs. So, in no particular order, here's what I'll be bopping around to come Christmas day, hopefully they'll get you in the Christmas spirit too! Wham! Last...

Tuition Fees - The Fallout

It's with great sadness that I've watched the various stories surrounding the tuition fees unfold. While I don't condone violence in any form, I can't help but feel that a unruly minority has over-shadowed what is a very valid protest. As you'll know,...

This Month in the Blogosphere - November 2010

Hello again! Can someone tell me where November went? I think I blinked once or twice and then it was over! And now - well it's December - which means that Christmas is nearly upon us. So how are you doing? All set? I wish I was, but sadly I seem to once again have...

Measuring Happiness

Earlier this month I read an article in the Observer which shared the results of a research project which seemed to suggest that the fewer siblings a child has, the happier they are; and that only children are the most contented. "Sibling bullying" seemed to be a...

Diwali Celebrations

Earlier this month, we organised some Diwali-themed entertainment at a Mela (a Diwali celebration) at the Nehru Centre in Central London. We devised a theatre arts workshop which we did with 70 children based on the Diwali story. Diwali (popularly known as the...

This Month in the Blogosphere - October 2010

So how was your October? Hope you all had an amazing Half Term and Halloween! As usual it's been all go here so sorry this is about a week late. Am now thinking about Christmas and promising myself that I really will be more organised this year - well here's...

Productivity 101, or Trying to Work Smarter

Since becoming a parent, I've been increasingly concerned about the amount of time I spend working. It's very difficult to shut off when you run your own business (or indeed to shut off from any job that you care about). The thing is - I also really care about being a...

The Eyes Have It

I've been watching Rebecca Ferguson's journey through X Factor with interest. Remember her first audition? Beautiful girl; wonderful voice - and yet as she admitted herself, she's lost confidence. As Simon said "you've got to start looking people...

Is this the Beginning of the End for Child Benefit?

Well, the Chancellor's child benefit cut announcement last week understandably caused something of an uproar . While many people believe that it's fairer that 'wealthier' families are targeted, there has been considerable anger regarding the anomalies within...

This Month in the Blogosphere - September 2010

Hard to believe September's over already, huh? The nights are drawing in (boo, hiss); it keeps on raining (more boos and hisses). So grab yourself a lovely cuppa (or possibly something stronger) and I'll take you through my favourite posts for the month of...
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