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To receive a Sapphire Challenge Award, a child must demonstrate:

  • excellent diction, projection and articulation. A wide range of vocal dynamics;
  • excellent vocal intonation and the ability to sing different styles of music sensitively and lyrically in character and in time with the musical accompaniment;
  • energy, coordination, rhythm, character and precision when performing a varied, imaginative and creative self-choreographed dance;
  • a wide vocabulary, fluency, excellent listening and questioning skills, 
  • the use of humour and eye contact when speaking and in conversation;
  • a good ability to portray character displaying understanding of the use of vocal and physical traits;
  • good consistent improvisation skills when in character. 

During the assessment, the student may be asked to do any of the following:

  • Perform a one minute modern speech/monologue of their choice in character;
  • Perform a musical theatre song of their choice with musical accompaniment;
  • Perform a self-choreographed dance to music. This should be rehearsed at home and last no more than two minutes (if your child needs their own recorded music, please bring this on a device such as a phone so that it can be connected to the Challenger's speaker);
  • Prepare a character to use in an improvised duologue with the Challenger. 


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