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The Jungle Book

Our Perform At Home theme this summer

Throughout July and August, our Perform At Home theme for 4-7s is The Jungle Book.

Your child will meet Baloo the bear, black panther Bagheera and hunt down the ferocious Bengal tiger Shere Khan - all while enjoying lots of fun and laughter on our unique online drama sessions.

We've got the bare necessities of life covered. Your young cub will love learning about Mowgli and his animal friends. Rudyard Kipling's classic, The Jungle Book, has gripped generations of children and yours will be equally entranced by its magic.

Your child will learn original songs, play fun Perform games and re-enact scenes based on Rudyard Kiplings classic story. Our enthusiastic Producers will work their magic to ensure your child enjoys every minute. They'll be with them every step of the way to inspire and encourage them every step of the way to inspire them to project their voices, develop their imagination and sing catchy songs - all while developing the Perform 4 Cs, from the comfort of their own home.

Click below to see videos of some of the songs and dances the children will be learning and here for the lyrics to sing along. 

Counting Crocs
Shere Khan
The Jungle Jive
Monkey Business

Class days, times and costs

Click here for the list of days and times. You can sign up by purchasing classes in blocks of 3 or 6 weeks. Classes can be cancelled at any time and the resulting credit used for any future Perform products or services.

Perform At Home classes cost £8 per class for blocks of 6, £7.20 each for 12 and £6.80 for blocks of 18 or more.

Please note that availability is limited. If there is no space in your chosen class, please do go on the waiting list and we will contact you when a place becomes available.

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