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Lucy's blog

Last Month in the Blogosphere - February 2011

Yay! It's March! That means it's Spring, right? Well nearly... Wish it was a bit warmer, but at least the daffodils help - I just love seeing their smiling, sunny faces. But before you launch yourself headlong into Spring, go grab a cuppa and check out my rather late...

Happy St David's Day!

1st March is St David's Day and I'm Welsh, so it's obviously an important day for me! And here are my little lovelies appropriately dressed for the occasion - getting them to sit still for 2 seconds to get that picture was a challenge! On St David's day...

A Little Love for our Libraries

I was an extremely lucky child - not in terms of material goods - but definitely in terms of love and attention. I remember clearly that mine was a house where there was always someone willing to sit and read to me. So much so, that way before I could actually read, I did a...

Things to Do this Half Term

It's half term next week - seriously, this year is just flying by! As parents, it's often a bit daunting to figure out what to do with the children during half term - particularly in February when the weather can so often work against you. So, I've pulled...

Shout Out for a Sure Start

I'm a big believer in the importance of the Sure Start centres so I was really saddened to hear from one of our venues that the breakfast and after school clubs in Camden and Haringey will all be closing in September. According to a press release from 4children.org.uk,...

This Month in the Blogosphere - January 2011

Well my lovelies - we've made it through January - hurrah! I always think January is a bit of a shock to the system. Seeing as how the shortest day of the year happens in December I'm prone to kid myself that once we get into January, the Winter's nearly...

Should We Call Time on Fairy Tales?

Earlier this month, I was reading a post on Penny's blog - Reinventing the Fairy Story - in which she said: I struggle with fairy stories that lack girl power. I'm with Fiona in Shrek 4 who said life isn't a fairytale and that she rescued herself from the tower....

On Having the Courage of Your Convictions

Parenting is undoubtedly tough. Whatever we do, there are books telling us we're doing it wrong, family members telling us we're doing it wrong, complete strangers telling us we're doing it wrong... Just a couple of weeks into the New Year, there's some new...

Last Month in the Blogosphere - December 2010

Hello there! Sorry this is so late but I've been rushing around like the proverbial blue-bottomed fly getting everything ready for the new term. Meaning that Christmas and New Year are now long gone - but nonetheless..... The X Factor is done and dusted, the Strictly...

Scrapbooking 2010

This time last year I wrote about new year's resolutions - and this year (like the last) I'll be trying to make a couple of small changes and sticking to them, rather than setting myself up for failure :) However, in addition to new year's resolutions, around...
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