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Lucy's blog

Careful the things you say, children will listen

I took my 4 year old son to a birthday party last week. Just before we got there, he fell over and so was a bit tearful and clingy when we arrived. He didn't want to join in with the rest of his friends who were being entertained by a well-known local clown. Tom's a...

Children's communication skills - a casualty of the online era?

When I was a teenager, if I wanted to arrange to meet a friend at the weekend, I'd call my friend's home phone (having asked permission to use my home phone first, of course). In most cases, the friend's Mum or Dad would answer the phone and I'd politely...

Halloween Party fun and games

If you have a Halloween Party coming up then I've got some great interactive drama-based games for you to have fun with. Halloween has always been a highlight in my calendar and, at Perform, we are rushed off our feet in late October with our Magician's Chamber drama,...

My Favourite Things for half-term fun

With half-term virtually upon us and a two and four year old to entertain, I've been finalising plans for next week and thought I'd share my recommended family days out. So, in the words of Maria Von Trapp (an icon when it comes to entertaining children) and, in no...

Serious Fun

I was chatting with a friend of mine today about her new job. She's now a "Play Specialist" at a Central London Hospital. The role has many different responsibilities but her major focus is on using "play" to prepare children for treatment, distract...

Want to start your own business?

Having set up Perform almost 12 years ago now, I often get asked questions by other Mums who are looking to set up something of their own like ?How did you get the idea to set up the business?? and ?What was your business background?? This type of question always makes me...

Dyslexia - symptoms and learning techniques

One of the team at Perform - let's call her Jane - is dyslexic. I've been aware of this for a long time but I didn't realise until yesterday that she wasn't diagnosed with dyslexia until she was 21 years old and at drama school. It was discovered when she...

Children and eye contact - helping your child look people in the eye

Darling, look at Jane when she says hello to you! Does that sound familiar to you? Have you ever said it to your own child? I know I have! I've always been passionate about helping children make eye contact, especially when they meet new people or talk to adults. I...

Top tips for a stress-free children's party

My children were born in September and October so, once mid-August arrives, I start birthday party planning. I still find my own children's birthday parties possibly the most stressful two days of my year even having entertained at hundreds of children's parties...

Are you confident when speaking in public?

Because of my background as an actress, I've always mixed with people who are pretty confident speaking on their own in front of large groups of people. It wasn't until I started Perform and attended courses in Child Protection, First Aid and various other...
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