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Lucy's blog

Separation anxiety: How to leave your child for the first time

It’s nearly back-to-school time and that means that some children will be starting school for the first time, others will be moving to new schools and most will be moving up an academic year to new classroom surroundings and a new teacher. Now, I’m a confident...

The P Factor

On January 8th 2000, I opened my first Perform class. Me, a teacher and four children. It went pretty well - all things considered. But, afterwards, when I was talking to the parents about my plans to eventually open Perform all over London, one of the mums said that my...

Teaching the Teachers

Wow - it's been yet another hectic week! No rest for the wicked, eh? This week I've been working hard with our Regional Partner Simon Fielding on developing a new series of training courses for our Perform teachers. Simon originally joined us 9 years ago as a...
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