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When in Rome

This workshop takes children back in time to learn about life in Celtic and Roman Britain, understanding why people invaded and settled here.

* Learn who the Romans were, and how the Roman army invaded Britain
* Improvise the story of the Boudicca revolt
* Discuss the effects of the Roman settlement on Britain today
* Use drama techniques to discover how the Romans lived, fought and planned their revolts
* Learn the 'What the Romans Gave Us’ rap
* Create adverts in groups to explore areas of Roman leisure such as food, drink, the baths and the gladiators

Learning objectives:

To explore the Roman Empire and it's impact on Britain.
To explore the power of the Roman Empire's army.

For more information or to book, click here to contact us or book online.

Thank you for helping us to start our topic in such a creative way! Kelly was Brilliant with the children and they loved their sessions with her.
Karen McNerney, Northwod Prep

020 7255 9120 Phone