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This Week's Focus

Below you can see what the children are focusing in classes this week. Click on other weeks to see what we've been doing or what is still to come. 

Welcome to the summer term

Ice-breaker games and fun welcoming activities will be the focus this week as we introduce our new summer theme, Fairytale Forest.

Using eye contact

Confident communication requires excellent eye contact. We’ll use role-play to demonstrate why it’s important and how a recipient may feel if you don’t look them in the eye.

Asking for help

The fear of being embarrassed by not knowing something often prevents children from asking for help. We’ll learn that there is no such thing as a ‘silly’ question and discover that we should never be hesitant about asking for help.

Being persuasive

Drama can help develop persuasive skills not only by encouraging self-expression but also allowing us to effectively communicate and influence others.

Children are natural persuaders, whether wanting an ice-cream or a trip to the toy shop! We’ll see how arguing for or against something helps develop solo speaking skills.

Using a clear voice

Knowing how to speak clearly, with good diction and excellent enunciation, is a great skill to practise when young as it can then become habitual.

The Frog Prince will join us for some fun vocal exercises and tongue twisters as we learn all about the importance of speaking clearly.

It’s what’s inside that counts

Children can learn to take time to focus on a person’s values and personality rather than making quick judgements based on how someone looks.

Kind, caring, fun – there are so many words to describe people we like and it doesn’t matter how they look. We’ll discuss how we choose to think about new people we meet.

Trying something new

Children can put up a barrier to trying new things, often preferring to stick with the familiar. Missing out on an opportunity due to a moment of hesitation can be frustrating, and can lead to feelings of regret.

Using improvisation, we learn that it can be very rewarding to try something new. We’ll all decide to try something new in the week ahead.

Taking turns

Children can sometimes be impatient and can find it hard to wait their turn but it's an important skill to learn as it helps them understand the value of being fair.

We’ll discuss what patience means and demonstrate the benefits of using a process which results in fairness.

How to deal with being cross

Sometimes children find it hard to moderate their anger and an important skill is learning to recognise and deal with it.

We’ll share some great calming techniques and teach the children handy breathing exercises which they can use if they feel angry.

Learning to compromise

Children need to learn how to compromise from an early age but can find it hard to consider the viewpoints of others.

The key to successful compromise is a give-and-take attitude and we’ll use improvisation to bring this to life.


Teamwork develops confidence and communication skills and helps children learn about cooperation and the value of their contribution.

When the Fairytale Forest characters work as a team we’ll see them defeat the Red Queen and save the Fairytale Forest. 

Telling a joke

Being able to tell a joke fills children with pride and confidence as it fulfils the desire for a positive reaction from others and is an easy way to practise solo speaking.

We’ll look at simple communication techniques to help deliver joke punchlines confidently in this session filled with giggles.

Dress rehearsal

The children will put everything they’ve learned into practise as they try out their fabulous costumes and run through their lines and dance routines one final time.

Presentation week

It’s time to show parents, family and friends the amazing progress the children have made with their final end of term performance.

Fun weekend

Friends are welcome to join this class for a free trial session as we round off the term with lots of fun drama games, music and laughter.

Welcome to the summer term

Ice-breaker games and fun welcoming activities will be the focus this week as we introduce our new summer theme, Robinson Crusoe in Space.

Using eye contact

We’ll play lots of fun eye contact exercises and discuss why it’s crucial to look into the eyes of the person you’re talking to and how to embrace an audience when speaking to a group.

Asking for help

Robinson Crusoe is very good at getting the help he needs – we’ll see how being able to ask for help is a really useful quality to develop as it helps us build assertiveness.

Being persuasive

Drama can help develop persuasive skills not only by encouraging self-expression but also allowing us to effectively communicate and influence others.

Children can learn to express ideas persuasively, with clarity and confidence. We’ll role-play scenarios where we persuade a classmate who holds a different point of view.

Using a clear voice

Knowing how to speak clearly, with good diction and excellent enunciation, is a great skill to practise when young as it can then become habitual.

We’ll learn about diction, clarity and volume as we practise speaking activities which enhance public speaking confidence.

It’s what’s inside that counts

Children can learn to take time to focus on a person’s values and personality rather than making quick judgements based on how someone looks.

We’ll discuss the importance of values and use role-play to show how we can be more open and accepting of others’ differences.

Trying something new

Children can put up a barrier to trying new things, often preferring to stick with the familiar. Missing out on an opportunity due to a moment of hesitation can be frustrating, and can lead to feelings of regret.

We’ll demonstrate that often there is more to be gained by ‘going for it’ than by holding back as you will feel a sense of satisfaction in trying.

Taking turns

Children can sometimes be impatient and can find it hard to wait their turn but it's an important skill to learn as it helps them understand the value of being fair.

Using role-play, we’ll discover why using a little bit of patience is important and how a positive mindset can help.

How to deal with being cross

Sometimes children find it hard to moderate their anger and an important skill is learning to recognise and deal with it.

We’ll learn what ‘conflict resolution’ is by acting out ways to resolve emotional encounters.

Learning to compromise

Children need to learn how to compromise from an early age but can find it hard to consider the viewpoints of others.

We’ll see how finding common ground involves patience and a willingness to explore creative and new options.


Teamwork develops confidence and communication skills and helps children learn about cooperation and the value of their contribution.

Working through our Robinson Crusoe In Space show, we’ll have an exhilarating session filled with team-building activities.

Telling a joke

Being able to tell a joke fills children with pride and confidence as it fulfils the desire for a positive reaction from others and is an easy way to practise solo speaking.

We’ll demonstrate how timing, tone, articulation and the power of pause can make an impact as everyone gets a chance to make each other laugh when they deliver their favourite joke!


Dress rehearsal

The children will put everything they’ve learned into practise as they try out their fabulous costumes and run through their lines and dance routines one final time.

Presentation week

It’s time to show parents, family and friends the amazing progress the children have made with their final end of term performance.

Fun weekend

Friends are welcome to join this class for a free trial session as we round off the term with lots of fun drama games, music and laughter.

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